Thursday, March 27, 2008

Some beginning thoughts....

Today I embark on yet another way to spend time I don't have and pontificate on subjects some people already have strong opinions on. It's mostly about the horses, yet without all the accompanying tangents and pitstops, there would be no horses. Horses in this day and age cannot stand alone. With them come the trappings of daily to the feed store to get grain. Drive to the hay man to get hay. Have the Veterinarian drive to our farm to give vaccines and tend to sick horses. There was a time that we used horses to go get things. Now we use everything, including the internet, to get things for our horses.

My jobs are to make horses and their people better. The majority of people I run into think horses are big, if somewhat dim-witted, children. Talk to them in a calm voice and explain to them what you want and all things will be as they should be. The horse will listen, he will understand and you will both go walking into the sunset together in perfect harmony.
Unlike the dim-witted child (please refer to Bill Cosby discussing children and chocolate cake) horses will hurt you. They may not mean to do so, but in their 2 track mind, there is fight or flight when something scares them. Try calmly explaining to a horse that the Fire Truck with the lights and siren on heading towards him is going to a fire to help people and the driver surely will not run him over. By the time you get the first two words out (Now Pokey..) he will have left hoofprints on your chest and be in the next County. I understand that Fire Trucks ARE scary! But Pokey will sometimes have the same reaction upon seeing a plastic food bag heading his way on an errant breeze. Let there be no mistake....horses are not the rocket scientists of the animal kingdom! Really much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a blade of grass?
While horses are not cognitive geniuses, they do offer us unique insight and wisdom which we are sometimes sorely lacking. With luck, I'll impart some of these (along with some ideas of my own).


Andrew Clarke said...

Hi, this should really be an e-mail but I could not find an address. I found your blog looking for people who enjoy reading fantasy. That is, I was looking, not the blog. Sick joke, okay, but I used to teach English. If you like reading fantasy, can I suggest another title to try? I wrote "Outcasts of Skagaray" because I felt strongly about the need for the unwanted to be cared about. For sample chapters, if interested, please see Happy reading.

Wendy said...

"Unlike the dim-witted child...horses will hurt you."

I have said this for years and have only trusted (barely) the horseys on the merri-go-rounds, yet no one believed me...hopefully with this blog, you will help me with my beliefs. (excluding Huey, there are not many horseys I will trust.

I look forward to reading more of your blog!